March 3, 2009
"Word as Image" first drafts
I have my "Word as Image" project due soon and am starting to put together my drawings and general "playing" things together. Anyway this is what I have so far. The word being Te Rerenga Wairoa or more commonly known as Cape Reinga.
February 23, 2009
Expressive Mark Making

I made sure I got there in good time to find my way around. I must have looked like a lost little sheep awkwardly carting around a huge A2 pad.
My weird girl magnet working in full force a random orange haired girl, face covered in charcoal came up to me and very quickly mumbled "Can I scab a text". Dumbfounded I say "Sure" and hand her my phone. She sends her text and sits with me for the next half hour waiting for a response. We start chatting about what we're doing and I confess that I'm more than a little nervous about my drawing class as I have no idea what to expect. She points out that there are examples of last years class in a cabinet a couple minutes away.
I go to have a look, I get there and my eyes dart from one project to the next, gobsmacked...cue the nausea, a panicky sweat starts to take over and I say to myself "There's no fucking way in hell I can do that".
Class finally starts and all I can think off is making some lame excuse and then leaving never to return but I tough it out. Our first brief is given - turning maori place names into abstract images using expressive mark making.... (expressive what???).
At the break I relay my concerns to the teacher who advises me that was "the best of the best in the cabinet" and "not to worry, you might suprise yourself".
So with a little confidence restored, I think I'm going to try suprise myself and stick it out.
One of the most embarrassing things was losing my sheet of 15 maori place names within 5 minutes of leaving class. Not a good start?
Next move: find out more about Jackson Pollock, Cy Twombly, Andre Massen & Jean Miro.
February 9, 2009
How old do you have to be to qualify as a mature student?
So university starts on Monday 23rd February. I have to admit that I’m a little nervous, excited and if I’m completely honest; a little scared…. I sound like a first year (although maybe first years are a bit cockier because they are too stupid to know better of their youthful, naivety. I guess the question I’m really asking is: How old do you have to be to be considered a mature student? Well according to Wikipedia I fall into the category.
I remember being sitting at the back of the lecture theatre first time around and wincing everytime a mature student raised their hand to answer a question or worse: to question a lecturer. I remember rolling my eyes at the mundane recollection of this older person’s life example in front of full audience of couldn’t careless commerce students.
And now its come full circle – I’m going to be the mature student, more than likely given a hard time by the cool kids at the back of the class.

I remember being sitting at the back of the lecture theatre first time around and wincing everytime a mature student raised their hand to answer a question or worse: to question a lecturer. I remember rolling my eyes at the mundane recollection of this older person’s life example in front of full audience of couldn’t careless commerce students.
And now its come full circle – I’m going to be the mature student, more than likely given a hard time by the cool kids at the back of the class.

I’ve always wondered if there was a Mature Student’s Handbook. – A Guide to University Life, featuring topics such as:
So here’s my lofty, ambitious goal for the year: I will not be a typical mature student!
In saying that I don’t intend to repeat my first year antics – you could not pay me to consume Tui in the same quantities as the first time round.
- Sitting at the front of the class – Ways to attract the lecturers attention.
- Raising questions demonstrating that you have read the optional suggested readings
- Asking questions that you then answer in your own question.
- Using your real life experiences ad nauseum to illustrate your point.
So here’s my lofty, ambitious goal for the year: I will not be a typical mature student!
In saying that I don’t intend to repeat my first year antics – you could not pay me to consume Tui in the same quantities as the first time round.
Ok FUN stuff now!
So in preparation for uni I have invested in my first ever Mac - and am now finding that every other screen I look at now is dull and lifeless and is having an adverse affect on my eyes.
Click here for BBQ madness (Simon you need to come home for a holiday so we can try this) that J found.
January 12, 2009
a proper kiwi summer holiday
I'm back at work this week but figure a recap of the holidays is on the cards.

We headed down to Nelson on the 27th and have to say had a real kiwi summer holiday. Spent a fair amount of it down at the beach - Rabbit Island and Ruby Bay. I've never been much of a beach goer but I have to say I really enjoyed playing in the surf. I also have a new food obsession which is real fruit ice creams - its like a soft serve ice cream but made with real fruit...
I also got to see a fair amount of the Abel Tasman which was great. I would recommend sea kayaking to anyone. Lunch was definately a hilight as well as the post lunch swim.
We headed on down to Collingwood onthe first for our horsetrek and to meet up with JP later that evening at the Mussel Inn (which was an inspired choice!). Unfortunately the Mussel Processors were on holiday so no mussels were to be had but the rib eye was fantastic. JP wasn't getting in till later that afternoon so J and I took our time to stop off (almost) everywhere in between. Highlights being: Wainui Falls, Pupu Springs and the beach right next to where we were staying where there wasn't a person to be seen.

The horse riding was another great day and was the only day that we really didn't have that sunny Nelson weather. In saying that though the zero visibility probably added a little atmostphere and reduced the feeling of vertigo when I looked down from the high trig.
My horse Monty wanted to be in the lead and would cut off the other horses when they tried to pass him.

We flew outta Nelson on the 3rd and was straight up to Wimbledon (where the wombles are farmed) for J's uncles 60th birthday. Now lets be honest I'm a city kid and I did my best but I'll be the first to admit that I do worry about getting sheep shit on my shoes....
I herded a few cows, treked up some padocks doing as best as I could to avoid the poo and along the way got a little better a driving a manual car and helped pick a huge amount of plums.
Well holidays are coming to an end and I'm quite optimistic about the year ahead, there's heaps on but really looking forward to uni and learning something new and on that note here' s my new find that is both hilarious and educational: You Suck At Photoshop. Even if you don't have / use it have a look its a bit clever...
December 16, 2008
the stupidly busy season

So the stupidly busy season is upon us. I'm looking forward to some timeout next week, bit cheeky of me really and I can't really afford the time off but at the same time really enjoying the time out from hockey: Christmas the only holiday where there's no hockey to be played.
Aside from finishing off what little christmas shopping I have left to do and playing a little Fable 2 and Fallout 3 it should be a relaxing weekend heading into xmas. I have a soft side for penguin related merchandise but this nothing compared to J's duck obsession but I think I have found the best duck ever.
Christmas itself should be a bit of a laugh. Staying in Welly for Christmas. J is getting her first experience of my family christmas:
- yum cha
- sleep
- massive dinner - no honestly MASSIVE dinner
- singstar / guitar hero / mario kart
- drinking
- sleeping / more eating
We begin our Amazing Race on the 27th and am looking forward to a few of the scheduled and unscheduled activities. High on that list would be sea kayaking in the Abel Tasman and horse riding in Golden Bay and catching up with long lost friends. We're passing back through Wellington and straight up to the farm for a few days followed by a brief respite back home for a few days before we we're back to work.
amazing race,
rubber ducks,
sea kayaking,
yum cha
November 24, 2008
Why not

So I thought why not start again - although there won't be such a theme to it perhaps I can fill it with anecdotes, pics, vids and just see what happens, I've always enjoyed writing, particularly in a stream of conciousness type fashion.
I'm heading back to uni next year doing a grad diploma in graphic design so in some ways this is also a little bit of a sandbox for me to play in too.
Never one to do things in halves I'm still going to be ticking along with hockey (not coaching so much but still playing)and seeing what else I can cram into what little free time I have left in the day...
I've just recently found out about this game called floorball which looks set to fill the gap over summer.
Its much like inline, I'm not having to much trouble shooting the ball but lamenting the lack of glide but that'll be good for the fitness. I'm also excited about the fact that I don't need to drive for 3 hours to play it.
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